We are well into the ski and board season and many of us have already been enjoying the slopes over the holidays!

Here are six prehab exercises recommended by COAST Physiotherapist Richard Johnson, to stay injury-free and keep going strong this season!

Bulgarian Split Squats

Rest your back foot on the bench and shift most of your weight into the front supporting leg. Then sit down and back into the glutes and then forward and up. Try to complete 12 reps

Super Clam

From a side plank, thrust your hips forward and keep your top foot internally rotated. Lift the top leg up and down. If it is too hard to do with your leg extended then bend the knee and do the exact same thing without letting your knee come too far forward.

Isometric Hip Adduction Hamstring Slideouts

Start in a bridge position with sliders under your heels and a block between your knees. Make sure your glutes and hamstrings are engaged as you slowly slide out with your heels until you can’t go any further, then drop down and return to starting position. 

Cossack Squats

Set your feet apart and load laterally down into the hip and then move up and forward. Try to keep your knee stable and your core solid. Complete 12 reps on one side and then switch to the other leg. If you would like to make this exercise more challenging, then try holding a weight in front of your chest.

Wall Sits Hip Adduction With Toe Liftoffs 

Start from a wall sit position with a ball between your knees.  Your hips should be about 90 degrees and hinging off the wall. While keeping your core nice and tight, extend your arms and lift your toes off the floor while squeezing the ball between your knees. Try to hold each set for 30 seconds and repeat 3 times.

Isometric Hip Hinging Slideouts

This exercise loads into the hips to improve hip stability and strength. Place a band under the ball of your foot. Make sure you shift all of your weight into that standing foot and pull up on the band as you step your back leg out and back. Do five toe taps diagonally, behind and across the back.