When the days are longer and warmer it is easier to find time to fit in some exercise before or after work. But as temperatures start to dip and the days become shorter, it can be hard to stay motivated to stay fit throughout the fall and winter months. But that doesn’t make it impossible! Here are a few strategies to help you stay on track and get you through a successful fall and winter training cycle.

Mix it up

As the seasons change, so should your sports or exercise routines. Not only does variation in your training keep things interesting, it can also make you a stronger athlete. If you are always doing the same thing day in and day out, year after year, your fitness can plateau and you increase the risk of overuse injuries. However, if you vary your exercise, then you are continuously challenging your body. For example, mountain biking in the spring and summer, then switching things over to skiing and weight training in the winter.


Running with a group or working out at the gym with a few friends is an easy way to keep your fitness on track. If you are planning to run at 6:00am on a dark rainy morning, you are far more likely to follow through with your workout if you are running with a group of friends rather than by yourself. 

Goal Setting

Setting achievable goals can also help to keep things interesting when you feel like your motivation is wavering. An example of an achievable goal would be training for a spring race, which will keep you moving with purpose through the dark days of winter and into spring. 


Enough can’t be said about establishing a solid routine. If you schedule a time for your workout and stick to it for long enough, after a while the routine will be so ingrained that you won’t be able to do without it.  A good time to establish a solid workout routine is in the spring and summer, and then come winter and fall you won’t have to think twice about stopping at the gym on your way home from work.

If you are struggling to find the motivation to stay active, working with a Kinesiologist is a great way to stay on track. A Kinesiologist can help you meet your goals while keeping you accountable. Book your appointment with a COAST Kinesiologist today!