Tightness, pinching, and twinging? Injuries aren’t always what they seem. The good news is you can catch them before they sneak up on you by identifying and addressing the early signs. Here’s how to prevent minor injuries from turning into major problems.



Be proactive! Incorporating prehab exercises and movements into your training regime can prevent injuries from occurring in the first place. By addressing known weaknesses through strength and mobility you can injury-proof your body. Self-myofacial massage is also a great tool to prevent injuries. A few minutes each day will ease tightness and improve circulation, critical for staying healthy. You will also improve your performance because you will be able to spend more time training and less time injured.

Book yourself a massage with an RMT. Regular massages encourage relaxation and relieves tension (something we could all benefit from). It also reduces swelling, muscle stiffness, fatigue and improves mobility.

Click here for our top mobility exercises.

Early Signs of Injury

An injury isn’t always sudden or a sharp pain. It can gradually come on as something as seemingly benign as a bit of tightness. Sometimes it can even just feel like something is off. By identifying and treating these symptoms early, you can quickly rehab the issue and continue or return to your sport or exercise with minimal disruption.

Early symptoms may include:

  • Weakness

  • Tightness

  • Numbness

  • Pinching

  • Stiffness

Who Can Help

By recognizing the early symptoms of an injury, you can stop it in its tracks. A physiotherapist, Chiropractor or Athletic Therapist can assess  and treat your body for muscle instabilities, misalignment and weaknesses. You can also work with a Kinesiologist to build an strength and mobility program to help rehabilitate and/or prevent future injuries.

Click here to book an appointment with one of our COAST practitioners at our North Vancouver or Kitsilano clinic.