Rest is without a doubt, one of the most overlooked elements of training for many athletes. Some worry that taking rest will result in losing fitness, weight gain or even laziness.

In fact, rest is just as important as exercising and essential to any proper training program, especially when it comes to building a strong and resilient body.

Rest Days

Everyone from professional athletes to weekend warriors need to take rest days to perform at their best. As you exercise, your muscles’ glycogen levels become depleted as well as endure stress which breaks down the muscle fibres. It is during rest days that your body is able to recover by repairing muscle tissue and restoring glycogen levels. This is also how muscles adapt and become stronger. Taking the time to rest after exercise prevents fatigue and improves performance. 

On the other hand, if you don’t take sufficient rest days, your body isn’t able to recover and repair. This can lead to overtraining, burnout, overuse injuries and in some extreme cases chronic fatigue.

Active Rest

Rest days don’t necessarily mean spending the day on a couch. Instead consider taking an active rest day with gentle stretching, yoga or walking. In fact, incorporating some easy physical activity into a rest day can help improve recovery by increasing circulation to your muscles and reducing delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).


A good night's sleep plays an important role in recovery and regular exercise can actually improve your sleep. However, too much exercise can have the opposite effect. When you overtrain, your body produces too much cortisol and adrenaline, which gets in the way of quality sleep.

Recovery with an RMT

Booking a massage with a Registered Massage Therapist is also a great way to help your body recover after strenuous exercise as well as prevent injuries.

Book an appointment with a COAST RMT!

Are You Getting Enough Rest?

Lastly, everyone is different and you need to listen to your body when it comes to rest. Here are some signs that your body might need more rest:

  1. Excessive Fatigue

  2. Poor Performance

  3. Problems Sleeping

  4. Overuse Injuries