Poor posture is a pain - it affects how you move, how you feel and how you look. We live in a society in which our lifestyles exacerbate bad posture. Not only do we spend an unhealthy amount of time sitting - whether that is driving in a car, sitting at a desk, sitting on the couch, but our sedentary lifestyles have caused us to lose mobility and strength throughout our shoulders, backs and necks. 

But can hunched, rounded shoulders be reversed? YES THEY CAN! And it is not as difficult as you may think. 

How Does Poor Posture Affect Your Body

You may not realize it, but those hunched shoulders can have a real impact on how your body. It can cause a range of physical symptoms from neck pain, back pain, shoulder and chest pain, diminished lung capacity and even headaches. What’s worse is that overtime, you will actually start to lose mobility through those joints which will impact your overall strength and ability to move.

How To Help Poor Posture

It is not impossible to reverse the effects of bad posture. The first step is to stop the bad habits that are compromising your posture. For example, think about bringing some awareness to how you hold yourself when you are looking at your phone. Is your head too far forward? Is your back rounded and shoulders hunched? 

The second step is to start doing stretches and mobility exercises along with strengthening exercises. This will help to bring a greater range of motion to your upper body as well as build strength.

The third step is not hold one position too long. Try to get up and move around at least every 45 minutes. You can walk around or do some simple stretches. If you have a standing desk, alternate between sitting and standing throughout the day.

Finally, work with a rehab specialist who can help prescribe exercises and perform treatments to significantly improve your posture. They will also be able to help reduce and treat any related pain you may be experiencing.

It’s never too late to reverse the negative impacts of bad posture and you will look and feel better.

Head over to our #linkinbio to book an appointment with a rehab specialist today!