For many people the new year is all about setting new goals and a fresh start. Here are three simple steps you can take to support your fitness goals and keep your body resilient and injury-free!

Prehab and Rehab

Working with a rehabilitation expert to identify and address potential issues before they become full blown injuries. Something as simple and enjoyable as a massage with an RMT or booking a tune up with a Physiotherapist, Chiropractor or Athletic Therapist can make a big difference when it comes to maintaining the health of your body. A rehabilitation expert can also recommend strength and mobility exercises to build a resilient body which will not only prevent injuries, but also improve athletic performance. 

Take Care of Your Body

We hear it all the time, but not enough can be said about eating a good diet and getting enough sleep. Eating a rich diversity of fruits, vegetables and legumes as well as healthy fats and proteins can help improve recovery after a hard workout and reduce inflammation.

Getting enough sleep is also important for recovery and performance. Too little sleep in conjunction with too much exercise can lead to overtraining which means your body isn’t able to recover and repair. This can lead to burnout, overuse injuries, and in some extreme cases chronic fatigue. 

Learn more about the importance of rest here.

Training with a Professional

Your goal may be to lose weight, return to play or to run a marathon. Whatever it may be working with a Kinesiologist or Athletic Therapist can help you safely and effectively obtain your fitness goals.

Kinesiologists and Athletic Therapists are movement specialists. Although many people see them for help with rehabilitation, Kinesiologists are a great option for anyone looking for a personal trainer to prevent injuries and improve their fitness. With an unmatched resource of exercises and stretches, Kinesiologists and Athletic Therapists have the knowledge to help safely and effectively train athletes and fitness clients. They will work one-on-one with you to tailor a personalized training plan to meet your needs and abilities.