Building a strong and capable body is a passion of COAST RMT Karson Rosser, but it hasn’t always been the case. Here’ s Karson’s transformative journey from someone who prioritized partying and video games to developing a passion for strength training.

How did you first get introduced to strength training?

This might come as a surprise, but I wasn’t always the athletic weapon I am today (just kidding). When I graduated high school, I was overweight, unhealthy, and in a rut. Sure, I played sports like hockey, baseball, and snowboarded. But never with real passion. Instead, I prioritized partying and video games.

The turning point didn’t happen overnight. It was more like a mix of moments that pushed me to make a change. At the time, I was working with a friend who had undergone an incredible transformation. After seeing his results, I asked him to show me the way. It began with simple cardio training. As I started to see progress, we added in weight training—typical bodybuilding stuff.

A few years later, when CrossFit was booming, I jumped on that train, which introduced me to a variety of training. For me, Olympic weightlifting, gymnastics strength training, and mobility was an unexplored area, so I dove into each of them for a few years. More recently, I’ve been interested in the expression of power including things like sprinting and plyometrics. Altogether, these experiences have given me a broad foundation in strength training.

 What do you love most about it?

I’ve been strength training for 15 years, and my passion for it hasn’t faded. I love that it’s a never-ending journey. There is always something new to master—whether it’s a skill to learn, a movement to refine, more weight to add, or a new area of training to explore. 

Lupe Fiasco has a song called 'Hip Hop Saved My Life,' and while that might sound dramatic, I can truly say that strength training has changed my life. Not only have I become fit and healthy, but I’ve also had the privilege of working with some of the best strength coaches in the field. Through this journey, I became a CrossFit and strength coach and an RMT—and it’s how I met my wife. 

How has it shaped your practice as a Registered Massage Therapist?

Strength training is essential for everyone. You don’t have to be a powerlifter, bodybuilder, or lift huge weights, but it needs to be a part of your life. It builds a strong foundation, and with that foundation, new opportunities open up. You gain the freedom to explore new activities with ease and reduced risk of injury. 

What if you had the confidence to try a new sport or activity without a fear of injury. You can add more fun experiences as you age, rather than cutting back. Through my practice, I try to educate clients on the importance of strength training. I like to get them in the gym to correct techniques and make sure they're moving well. I want them to have the confidence in and outside of the gym.

Incorporating registered massage therapy into your strength training routine can further enhance your performance and recovery. Massage therapy helps to release muscle tension, improve flexibility, and prevent injuries by addressing imbalances and promoting overall muscle health. By combining strength training with regular massage therapy, you can optimize your movement, reduce soreness, and feel more confident in your physical abilities.