At COAST we talk a lot about mobility, but what does that actually mean and why is it important?


What Is Mobility?

Mobility isn’t the same as flexibility. It’s about having the full range of motion within your joints and proper muscular activation or control throughout that range. This allows you to squat deeper and jump higher. 

Mobility is important for everyone, not just athletes. As you age and generally become less active, your muscles begin to tighten and you begin to lose our full range of motion which made you almost invincible as a kid. By maintaining your body’s mobility throughout your life, you can stay active and be more resilient to injuries, even as you age.

Mobility Helps Prevent Injuries

Since mobility is all about expanding your body’s range of motion and correcting potential muscle imbalances. By addressing these potential issues, mobility training helps prevent excessive stress or stain on a joint or muscle. 

How To Improve Mobility

There are many simple things you can easily do to improve your mobility: 

  1. Before you begin any exercise, perform mobility exercises to warm up your body and reinforce proper movement patterns.

  2. Take time to stretch after any physical activity to prevent your muscles from shortening and becoming tight, which limits your range of motion.

  3. Take time to consciously incorporate regular mobility exercises into your training such as joint mobilization exercises and active stretches. This will have the biggest impact in the long run. Not only will it prevent injuries, but also improve athletic performance.

  4. Myofascial release with a foam roller or ball is another great way to keep your muscles healthy.

Need some help? Our team is focused on exercise based prehab and rehab to improve movement and strength.

Book your appointment with one of our practitioners today!